Reporting with the GRI Standards 2021 workshop
Tue, 05 Mar
This course will enable you to prepare a report that is in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021.

Time & Location
05 Mar 2024, 9:00 am AWST – 06 Mar 2024, 5:30 pm AWST
Perth, Perth WA, Australia
About the event
This course will enable you to prepare a report that is in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021. ZOOiD and all training materials are certified by the Global Reporting Initiative.
By the end of the course, participants should feel very confident in how to prepare a best practice Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting using the GRI Standards. Most importantly, participants will begin to understand the GRI report writer's adage "It's not about the report, it's about the process!"
Take outs of the course include how to:
- Understand, interpret and implement the GRI Standards
- Apply the GRI Reporting Principles
- Identify material topics
- Identify linkages with other sustainability reporting frameworks
- Streamline reporting processes throughout your organisation
- Communicate your report
- Prepare you for future reporting cycles through continuous improvement principles.
Register here.