The Business Council of Sustainable Development Australia (BCSD Australia) welcomes the release of the Partnering for a Sustainable Environment Statement from the Australian Government.
BCSD Australia was one of a number of non-government organisations brought together by the Australian Government to consult and collaborate on its new innovative Partnerships initiative. Together with Trust for Nature, NRM Regions Australia and the UN Global Compact Network Australia, and with the input from more than 100 stakeholders, BCSD Australia collaborated with a dedicated team from the Department of the Environment and Energy to co-design a blueprint for how government might best incubate and support the creation of partnerships – in business, academia and the community – that stand to deliver tangible beneficial outcomes for Australia’s natural environment.
“As the peak organisation for Australian businesses and organisations that work together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable Australia, we were keen to contribute the voice of mainstream business to this process and show how they are already playing a leading role in sustaining and regenerating our nation’s ecosystems and natural resources,” said Andrew Petersen, CEO of BCSD Australia.
“Our members are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals and the 17th and final goal, with its focus on realising the Goals through partnership, will be essential if the Australian people are to achieve the outcomes needed to address our country’s biodiversity priorities,” said Mr Petersen.
“We are delighted to see the Partnerships Statement that emerged from this initiative and look forward to facilitating and supporting these collaborations.”
The full Partnering for a Sustainable Environment Statement can be view at:
