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BCSD Australia Makes Submission on "ReMade in Australia" brand and verified labelling scheme

BCSD Australia has developed a submission for an Australian Government consultation on the development of “ReMade in Australia,” a brand and verified labelling scheme for Australian made products made from recycled content. The scheme is designed to encourage consumers to shop sustainability with confidence. In our submission, BCSD Australia said the scheme should align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and could ultimately lead to the creation of a circular economy. BCSD Australia also submitted that the “ReMade in Australia” brand could incentivize manufacturers to shift towards more sustainable production practices and reduce waste, aligning with SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. We also argued that businesses using the brand should have obligations to meet certain environmental and sustainability standards, while a tiered licensing fee structure, similar to the Australian Made Australian Grown brand, could encourage small to medium businesses to participate. Learn more about the consultation process here. Copies of BCSD Australia's Submissions are posted monthly via our Newsletter. To receive LEADER, register here. #sustainability #recycling #circulareconomy #SDGs


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