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Charge Together Fleets to accelerate the electrification of fleets

BCSD Australia is excited to share news of the Charge Together Fleets program which has launched today. The program aims to accelerate the transition of fleets to electric vehicles. It will do this by empowering fleet and sustainability managers with all levels EV literacy from organisations of all sizes, with the tools and knowledge to electrify their fleets.

“We are pleased to have been involved in the development of Charge Together Fleets, together with a number of our member organisations, the Electric Vehicle Council and Evenergi,” said Andrew Petersen, CEO of BCSD Australia.

“Charge Together Fleets is a demonstration of our future mobility and will facilitate the electrification of fleets in businesses and organisations across Australia. It is an important step in the decarbonisation of the Australian economy and in our work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities.”

The media release regarding the launch of Charge Together Fleets is below and further information can be found on the program website:

New digital platform for fleet managers set to drive mass switch to EVs

Sydney, 8th October 2019:

A new platform launched today is set to do for the electrification of vehicle fleets what Xero has done for accounting: make it simpler, more affordable, and more accessible.

The ARENA-funded platform, developed by the fast-growing eMobility start-up Evenergi, is a revolutionary fleet software-as-a-service (SaaS) being released as part of a national fleet electrification program - Charge Together Fleets.

The Charge Together Fleets program is jointly led by Electric Vehicle Council and Evenergi - its pilot period has been a runaway success. Over 90 Australian fleets, including those of NRMA, Curtin University and Ausgrid have signed-up to date. It is projected the program will drive the acquisition of tens of thousands of new EVs over the next five years.

Along with the SaaS platform, the Charge Together Fleets program will provide Australian organisations interested in transitioning to EVs with an extensive knowledge base, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, a national electric vehicle procurement initiative, and a webinar series.

“EVs are no longer some experimental novelty and we know fleet managers want to explore the electric option, but managing that shift can be daunting,” said Electric Vehicle Council CEO Behyad Jafari.

“Making the call to transition to an electric fleet currently requires complex, costly, and time-consuming analysis. Charge Together Fleets changes that to a free service, accessible in minutes.

“Obviously the natural human inclination is to stick with what you know. But we’re confident once we demystify the process of switching to EVs, many Australian fleet managers will consider them irresistible.

“We’re now used to hearing about how Australia drags the chain on the global transition to EVs. But here’s a bright spot where we can proudly boast we’re leading the world.”

Evenergi CEO Daniel Hilson said the launch was the culmination of long planning and development phases.

“We’ve spent two years in development, engaged in two rounds of angel investment, and attracted public funding via ARENA. So it’s exciting to see the first version of this ground-breaking service launched,” Mr Hilson said.

“On current projections we anticipate this program will help deliver tens of thousands of EVs onto Australian roads over the next five years. Future versions will include the ability to seamlessly acquire charging infrastructure.

“This is about offering Australian businesses, councils, and organisations real choice. Managers should be able to clearly understand the options they have and proceed from that basis.”

The Charge Together Fleets program is led by the Electric Vehicle Council and Evenergi, with the backing of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), the NSW and SA Governments, Ausgrid, and the NRMA.

1 comentário

20 de out. de 2021

Great reaad

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