01 July 2020
The Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia (BCSD Australia) is excited to formally welcome Australia’s first chief resilience officer, Toby Kent, to its Board.
For the past five years, Mr Kent has helped Melbourne prepare for the shocks and stresses it will face this century including crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and bushfires.
In 2014, Melbourne was among the first cities in the world to receive funding from the esteemed Rockefeller Foundation to employ a chief resilience officer. During Mr Kent’s tenure, the network of Resilient Cities has grown to 100.
Mr Kent was Chair of the Future Business Council (FBC), which transferred its intellectual property to BCSD Australia and closed in May.
BCSD Australia Chair Dr John Hewson said Mr Kent, also a former head of sustainable development at ANZ, would bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and drive to the role.
“We’re delighted to welcome Toby and confident he will help BCSD Australia support forward-thinking companies accelerate the transition to a sustainable Australia,” Dr Hewson said.
Dr Hewson also thanked two outgoing Directors for their significant contributions. He farewelled Cathlin Thurbon, Senior Manager Sustainability at AGL Energy Limited, and Dr Kate Auty, who has recently been appointed Chair of the Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
ENDS. For further information contact:
Andrew Petersen, CEO
Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia +61 (0) 412 545 994